It started in 2018 when Nicole found two lumps in her breast, though the lumps came out to be cysts. This was a big wake-up call for her to dig deep and examine her lifestyle choices.
During the healing process, she realised the effect of harmful chemicals on our body, including hair dye and decided to give up colouring her hair. At the same time, she created a Facebook group, “Gorgeous Grey Movement”, to inspire others to join her in the movement. She also created a Facebook page, “Nicole Scott- Own Your Sparkle”. You can also follow her on Instagram at @nicolemaureenscott
Nicole is an author, too. She got her book published in 2020, “Get Naked With Your Natural Hair Colour” in which she shares her experiences embracing a healthier life over her hair and also stories of eighteen other women, who found a sense of bravery and confidence to go grey gracefully.
“I noticed grey hair in my twenties, and it started to show up in my thirties. I wanted to stop dyeing by my mid-thirties after I took a course on nutrition.
This was when I learned of the dangers of toxins in our beauty products. I got the nudge to stop dyeing from Spirit and to write a book about it, but I wasn’t ready!
I continued to dye my hair until October 2018, when I finally made a decision after a health scare woke me up.”

Nicole’s Way of Going Grey!
“How was I going to transition to grey? First, I did a lot of research to figure out what felt right for me, and I decided to highlight and eventually bleach out my dark hair for a better blending experience.
I was clear that I was done with root touch-ups forever, so the rule was: don’t touch my roots. Let them grow out naturally.
I found an organic salon to help me with the transition to reduce the toxic load, which made a big difference in my symptoms.
Looking back now, if I were to do it all over, I would have shaved it off and donated my hair to cancer, but I was too afraid.”

Nicole had dark hair, and her skunk line was noticeable at week two. After two months, she got highlights to start blending it better.
It took many trips to the salon and was expensive.

“The first four months were hard—I’m not going to lie. After it started blending better, I started to get excited. It gave me hope that I could do this.”

“I did get a negative comment from a guy about three months in, asking, “Are you letting yourself go?” My response was, “F*** you. If you can do it, why can’t I?” I was pissed. This happened at a Christmas party, and it got to me, so I left.
What pissed me the most was that he was grey, and a double standard was going on. I let it go and made it my motivation not to give in to one person making a negative comment.
I needed to be strong to break this stereotype that has existed for far too long. I wanted to be part of the solution and an inspiration to others and not give in.”
Nicole’s words of wisdom:
“My advice is to listen to your inner nudge and know your ‘why’? My why was for my health. I didn’t want the constant chemicals on my head. Lumps in my breast woke me up, and even though they turned out to be cysts, it still scared me.
Enough was enough. I was going to do what it took to feel awesome from the inside out.
I recommend you join a group to get support and help you through the tough days.
Letting my sparkle come through aligns now with my top value, health. What are your top values? Are you aligned with them?”

This blog has been created to give voice to women worldwide who embrace their natural grey hair. By sharing this post, you can boost their thoughts and experiences. Thanks!
If you like Nicole’s Grey Hair Transition Story, Please share it on your favourite Pinterest Board!

If you are fully transitioned and have an inspirational story to share, feel free to contact me here. I would love to hear it.
You can also follow me on Pinterest and Instagram for more inspiration and tips and tricks going grey!!
First of all I love your new look. Thanks for sharing your story…insperational.
During lock down, I decided to let my hair grow out so no more tinting.
Not a great look at the moment for me.
It’s difficult to get used to white hair but I will see it through.
The first appointment I can get with my hairdresser is July 29th.
I am going for a shorter style with highlites.
Evelyn Austin.
Nicole, your silver is beautiful!
I too decided to stop dying my hair during the pandemic. I’ve talked about it with my hairdresser for years and finally decided I was ready. I’m four months in and it hasn’t been so bad. I think my why was…I turned 60 last month and just felt like this is who I am. I’ve had my hair trimmed twice and I have an appointment soon to do some bleaching to help with the demarcation line. I’m a little nervous about doing this…not sure what it will look like. ?
Connie Adkins
Hello! You’re hair looks beautiful. One thing I’ve noticed about women going grey is that they look younger, not older. I have been working from home for 5 months and haven’t had my hair colored or cut since then. There are days I feel unkempt and question my decision to go natural but when that happens, I get on the forums that celebrate grey hair and stick with it. I also remind myself of the burning sensation I had started feeling when getting my hair colored. But I’ve made the decision to Embrace my true color and am excited to see what that looks like when I’m done. The double standard is real but I am thrilled to be part of a group of women who are accepting their natural beauty and making the change.
I have been coloring my dark brown hair for 20+ years. I just turned 62 in June. When the lockdown started in March I thought about stopping the trip to my hairdresser every four weeks for root touch, highlights, etc. but in May when restrictions on salons in my area where partially lifted my hairdresser talked me into dying it again. It felt great again to have freshly died hair, for awhile. My son was getting married in October 2020 in central Florida but as that states cases soared in July they decided to postpone the wedding until fall 2021. That would give me exactly 18 months since my last coloring until the wedding. That gave me the push to let my natural color grow in. It is enough time to let almost, if not all, of my shoulder length hair grow out before the wedding. I figured I can always die it right before the wedding if I really don’t like how it looks. My husband has been very supportive. My two kids, son and daughter, not as much. The pandemic is awful however I feel this time has given me the opportunity to go for it without worrying about any upcoming social events. I have decided to go cold turkey and just let it grow out. I am now 13 weeks in. Every week that goes by I get less concerned about it. That is not to say I don’t get my moments but I remind myself I can always go back to dying if I don’t like it. The on line community of other women going through the same experience have been very helpful and given me the courage to keep going.
Nicole I love your silver hair. It really suits you well. I started in June 2020 to let my hair grow out. I love every minute of this new transition. When I turned 60 I decided to do that. It’s a new very exciting chapter in my life for me.