Life was never so delightful!
Happiness was never about being like others; it was always about self-discovery, which I have experienced in the last few years.
Hi, I am Anjana, a 41 years young stay at home momma, from a small town in Rajasthan, India. A few years back I had no idea that one could embrace one’s grey hair at a young age , as hiding greys is rooted in our culture for years!!
I started premature greying at the age of 12. After colouring for 13 years, at the age of 36, I thought, ‘What if I stop dyeing my hair?’ And I decided to give up dyeing! At the same time, I created an Instagram account @sparklingsilvers and documented my Silver hair Journey. If you wish to know about my grey hair transition, click here.
On different social media backgrounds, I met so many silver-haired beauties, but not the young ones to relate. And this thought hit me that I am going to create a common platform featuring women around the world embracing their natural grey hair, where they can share their stories, inspiring and influencing others to be ‘Comfortable in their own skin’.
This blog is a tribute to the women across the globe who challenged themselves and overcame their fears!!
Feel free to contact me if you wish to share your story or experience going grey !!