Deborah Darling: A Pro-ageing Ambassador

Deborah has a strong social media presence as an ageless style icon and a pro-ageing ambassador. At age 58, her vibrancy shines, and she inspires women of all ages to live full, active, and stylish lives.

You can find her on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and her Website.

Read her views on ageing and hair in this tête-à-tête:

Tell us, who is Deborah?

I am a 58-year-old grandmother who lives in Johannesburg, South Africa.

deborah an interview gray hair silver hair model
Image credit: @theramzimansour

Did you always want to be a model? How did you come by it?

I worked in the IT industry for years as a writer, software tester and trainer, and I never considered the idea that I might one day be a model.

When I stopped colouring my hair, my new silver hairstyle got so much attention that some of my friends suggested I try modelling. So, one night, I sent my photographs off to a modelling agency in my area.

Can you tell us a bit about a typical workout and skincare regime you follow?

My usual workout routine is training at the gym three times a week with a personal trainer, and I ride my bicycle on Sunday mornings as often as possible.

My skincare regime is very simple; I cleanse and apply moisturiser morning and evening (I never go to bed without removing my makeup) and always wear 50 SPF sunblock during the day, regardless of the weather.

deborah darling gray hair model proaging influencer an interview
Image credit: @theramzimansour

What do you do when not modelling?

When I am not modelling, I spend most of my time spreading my message of “you’re not too old, and it’s not too late”, mostly via social media.

Can you name one book that you have read at least 10 times?

Not quite ten times, but I love “The God of Small Things” by Arundhati Roy and have read it more than once.

deborah darling style icon silver hair model an interview
Image credit:@ant1friend

What is to be ageless in your view?

I think that the idea of being “ageless” is to challenge the negative stereotypes around ageing that are promoted by society. Ageless women wear – and do – whatever feels right for them, no matter their age.

What does ageless style mean to you?

I feel that ageless style happens when a woman is confident and looks fabulous wearing an outfit that is not quite what society expects her to be wearing for her age.

What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?

I was born in New Zealand.

Do you believe in ageing gracefully?

Ageing gracefully implies to me that we should gently slow down, so no 🙂

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Deborah chambers an interview natural silver hair model
Image credit: @ant1friend

How old were you, and what were your thoughts when you spotted your first grey hair?

I was about 25 when I spotted my first sparkly silver hair, and I remember being quite surprised by it. Even though my mum had lots of silver from quite a young age (she always covered hers), I somehow hadn’t imagined that it would happen to me.

Did you dye your hair? At what age and for how long?

I started colouring my hair when I was about 16. Over the years, I have experimented with many different colours, but most often, I added blond highlights to my naturally dark blond hair.

Deborah darling gray hair model short pixie hair
Image credit: @theramzimansour

How do you take care of your silvers? Do you have a ritual?

I wash my hair every morning and use a silver shampoo about every third wash, other times I use a normal shampoo.

Any product recommendations?

I use different silver shampoos, I don’t have a particular preference. I do love the styling paste I use to give my hair shape after drying it; L’Oreal Professional Tecni.Art Paste

Also read: 14 Grey Hair Friendly Shampoos

Do you think picking up an outfit in terms of colour and style after going grey has to change?

I think that this is an excellent time to reassess the colours we wear. Silver hair can make some of us look a little bit pale and washed out, and a good way to bring colour to our faces is to wear colours that really suit our skin tone, so it’s the perfect time to make sure that they are doing their job. (And this applies to makeup too!)

short gray hair pixie gray hair model an interview
Image credit: @ant1friend

What is your style mantra?

Add one thing to create interest or add a little drama to every outfit. (Bold earrings or a fabulous handbag; or something a little more dramatic like a parasol to keep the sun off my face or a lorgnette which I use in place of my reading glasses.)

natural silver pixie girl deborah darling an interview
Image credit:@theramzimansour

Your views on stereotypes society has about grey hair!

I think that it’s such a shame that we have come to believe that grey hair is boring and unattractive because silver is a really beautiful colour. (Very young women and men wouldn’t be colouring their hair silver if this weren’t true.) One of the wonderful things is that each head has its own unique combination of streaks, colours and hues as the silver develops. The biggest mistake we make is not updating the style for our new silvers, to make the most of our new crown, we have to rock it!

Anything else you would like to say to the women aspiring to go grey?

This may just be the most liberating thing that you have ever done for yourself.

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5 thoughts on “Deborah Darling: A Pro-ageing Ambassador”

    1. Sie haben mich zu grauen Haaren inspiriert. Ich bin in Österreich zuhause und würde sehr gerne mit Ihnen in Kontakt treten. Sie sind eine großartige Frau. Weiter so… Alles Gute Barbara

  1. My hair is so like yours but thicker. Need to get good cut and style for grey hair. A couple of my adult kids always make the comment “What have you done now”” I don’t take any notice.

  2. Janet M Pitroski

    I started greying at 16! I colored for quite some time. Kind f fun and vibrant, but close to natural colors. Then one day out of the blue, around the age of 50, I quit coloring! I have sparkly white, beautiful hair. I’m always re-inventing my pixie. I’m 58 now. The white hair makes me feel alive and beautiful! (Actually, my wrinkles do, too!)

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