Ayşegül is a holistic health and self-love coach and a dancer. She holds a strong presence in the Instagram silver sisters family. Her Instagram handle is @rawthyself
This gypsy soul has unique ways of expressing her love for nature and dance. Her posts are soulful, with positive vibes and affirmations. Read her unique going gray journey!
My name is Ayşegül Uçar, I am 41 years old. I live in the South of Turkey with my two children, Sita and Prem. We live in the middle of Mother Nature with our two dogs and three cats. We are a Vegan family.

I started having my first grey hair around 24 after my first child, Sita, was born.
Then, I started dyeing my hair for 17 years until I was in my 40s.
Before my 40s, I tried twice to grow my grey hair by cutting my hair a really short pixie cut, but after some months, I didn’t resist and dyed it again.
I had too many people staring at me, telling me and asking me if something was wrong with my health or telling me that I was too young for grey hair. On the other side, people found this look cool and courageous.
But in me, I always carried the wish of letting my natural grey colour grow. I wanted to feel free.

Then after I turned 40, I had a turning point in many aspects of my life. I needed more authenticity, which I have been seeking for so long.
So my first step was to stop the hair dye for good and free myself from it. It came with the feeling of being ready to be my true self without hiding and caring about all the self-reflected images that weren’t part of me and my inner world.
This decision made me feel stronger and empowered in every way.

This time I didn’t cut my hair or didn’t do any highlights (I didn’t want any more chemicals).
The first 3-4 months were the most challenging because of the white shining under my dark hair. I could feel all the looks on me as if I wasn’t doing any self-care, but it was a strengthening experience for not minding the external views.
In the meantime, I did a lot of self-care like taking care of my body, doing some detox, drinking lots of green smoothies, doing yoga, and dancing around the house.
Also Read: How to Blend Gray Hair Demarcation Line at Home

I kept washing my hair with organic shampoos and used vinegar, water and rosemary essential oil mixture I made as a hair conditioner.
I wore a lot of braids, ponytails, buns, and headscarves on my hair. It helped me a lot during the first few months of the transition.
After four months, it started to look great, and people started asking me on the street if I had my hair made this way intentionally at the hairdresser (they still ask).

Now I get more positive responses from people, especially women who would love to grow their natural greys.
But a lot say they’re afraid of the look they will get and that they don’t know exactly how much white or greys they have. But I always tell them that that’s the beauty of it and that we all have different natural highlights of our natural grey hair. They’re all beautiful, making us unique in their different ways.

I have been dye-free for two years and didn’t think about dyeing it again. I was so tired of almost 20 years of dyeing and just loved the freedom of having my natural hair.
My family and friends love my new look. In the beginning, I did get some reactions from some of them. But then, when they saw how good I was and how confident I was about my hair, it started affecting them. On the contrary, they even started thinking of going grey.
Even my daughter Sita, now 17, keeps telling me that she can’t wait to get her natural greys later in life.

I don’t have a special hair care routine. I never really had, I always used natural, organic, and cruelty-free products, and my hair did fine.
But I found that my new natural hair is much healthier, softer and stronger without all the dye, so I need less hair care and have much more free time.
I love using a mixture of vinegar, as I said earlier as a hair conditioner on my hair after my shampoo; that makes my hair even softer.
I do a coconut oil mask once in a while. I don’t use any other specific hair products. I love my hair wild and natural.
Also, I’m not particularly eager to blow dry my hair unless I have to get out after a shower in the cold weather.
I used to look a lot on Pinterest before I started my transition to get inspiration, but once I started my journey, honestly, I didn’t feel like looking and motivating myself anymore because I felt so free that my decision was for life. Instead, I was embracing each day of my transformation journey.

After a year of letting my grey hair grow, I did try a temporary cruelty-free blue hair dye for fun.
You may like reading: Add Colours to Your Natural Gray Hair

I don’t do a lot of makeup. I never did. Some days nothing, and some days maybe a little eyeliner and a natural raspberry lip balm.
I do makeup for special days or events or when I am having a dance show. And my makeup did not change after going grey. I still use the same shades, but they even look and come out better with the greys.
Also Read: Grey Hair Friendly Shampoos

I am a holistic health and self-love coach and a dancer (I teach holistic dance, which means healing and freeing yourself through movement).
Before I started my transition into the grey, I worried about my shows and how I would look on stage. But then, after my first dance show with my greys, I felt great and confident.
Now I think it even looks better with all the colourful costumes I wear.
And for coaching, I was afraid that grey hair wouldn’t make me look healthy, but on the contrary, now I find that it gives a special glow to my skin.
We reflect everything from the inside out. When we change our perception of the things we were conditioned before, doesn’t serve us anymore. Our attitudes and emotions change, which is reflected beautifully on the outside.

I believe hair is connected to emotions. Especially for women, it can reflect our inner world and feelings. For example, after a break-up or an emotional change, women can have the urge to change their hairstyle or cut their hair short. I did change my hairstyle a lot or tried to go grey with a short pixie in the past.
I think our emotions are connected to our bodies. Our body is our temple and when we take care of ourselves emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically and work on self-love, we are more in peace with our natural look and less in need of hiding our true beautiful selves. And that reflects on our whole being by making us shine from our true potential.

I would tell my younger self that she should trust and embrace every change Mother Nature gives her like a precious gift because it will bring her all the authenticity and beauty of her true self. And it’s normal that with every change and transformation, fear of the unknown comes with it. Just try to reduce the voice of your fear. Follow and raise your inner voice, and you will find your way.
I can say that with my transformation journey towards my authentic and natural self, I became addicted to the feeling of freedom that fills up my heart with a sense of joy and peacefulness.
Much love,
Ayşegül on different social media platforms: Facebook, YouTube, Website: http://
hello there! I read your story and it is really motivating. I agree with you on being authentic, happy with myself first to be happy with my family, healthy and just not to show an image. I don’t want to hide anything, not even my age as some women do, I’m thankful for my life and for all my 44 years old. Thank you I will resist the temptation of dyeing my hair!
Greetings! from Las Vegas USA
Thank you for sharing . I am 37 and I have very dark hair and started growing grey hair very early . I used to dye it with natural dyes most of the times. I didn’t mind having greys but I dyed it for a change and most of the times so no one intrudes. I am done with all the dying as it is no longer pleasant when it starts growing back and decided to leave the grey to gow. I am 5 months in now and I tell people with confedence that I love it.
So happy for you. Great going! The initial months are hard, but you have successfully passed that stage.
I love the way you have embraced our natural way of being, I am in that process now and I feel confident and happy with myself with an enormous sense of freedom, freedom to be me without the judgment of what others might think.
I feel a profound sense of Gratitude to women like you for embracing mother nature on the path throughout different stages in life.
Thank you for sharing your story